Browsing Archive: January, 2010

Please attend the Annual General Meeting for the University Heights neighborhood Association on Sunday January 31, 2010.

Posted by UHA Association on Wednesday, January 20, 2010, In : UHA Meetings 
It's that time of year again, when we elect a new board of directors for the University Heights Association (UHA), and hold our annual general meeting.

We are asking all association members, neighborhood residents, and other members of the UHA community to attend this meeting and take an active role in the decisions being made around you.  Only an informed neighborhood association can help solve problems and come up with ways to make life better in the University Heights, so we want your input...
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Take the MRCOG Transportation Survey now, and help shape transportation policy in Albuquerque

Posted by UHA on Tuesday, January 19, 2010, In : Transportation 
The Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) is beginning work on the 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and is seeking public input via a survey.  This plan will provide a vision for future transportation in the central New Mexico metropolitan area.

Feedback regarding experiences traveling by car, train, bus, bicycle and walking are needed. Also, comments are sought related to what would benefit transportation in the region over the next 20 years.

The survey will only be available online a...
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Albuquerque Police Department targeting home break-ins in University Heights and Surrounding Neighborhoods

Posted by UHANM on Monday, January 11, 2010, In : Crime 
The Albuquerque Police Department contacted the UHA board recently to let us know that in response to reports of home burglaries and break-ins in Southeast Albuquerque, they will be conducting operations in the University Heights and other nearby neighborhoods to specifically target these crimes.

But in order for APD to be effective, they need your help. These burglaries have been occurring within a very short time frame - generally within 30 minutes to one hour of the homeowner leaving their...
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NM Attorney General Notice on 2010 Census and Environmental Crimes Unit

Posted by UHA on Saturday, January 9, 2010, In : State Issues 
The Office of New Mexico Attorney General Gary King would like us to help them spread the word about two important publications they have recently released. The NMAG is hoping to provide the public with important information about participating in the 2010 Census. To see this document click link The second brochure was compiled to help you recognize and report environmental crimes. You can view the Environmental Crimes brochure at h...

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About Me

University Heights Association The University Heights Association (UHA) is the volunteer organization of people living, owning property, and working in the area bounded by Central on the north, Yale on the west, Garfield on the south, and Girard on the east.

University Heights Association



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