Browsing Archive: August, 2013

Help a student AND get rid of electronic waste

Posted by UHA Association on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, In : Recycling 
I am collecting electronic waste for the first 6 weeks of school and I NEED your help for my SUST 499 project.

Do you have a bunch of old electronics just lying around the house, taking up space? Not sure what to do with 
them? Does it even work? And WHO CARES?!?

I do. 

Electronic waste is anything that uses electricity to perform its function that has either been destroyed, 
malfunctioned, outdated, or simply just forgot about. But that doesn’t mean it’s lost its value….


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Properly use the new blue Recycling Bins

Posted by UHA Association on Tuesday, August 6, 2013,

The City has distributed the blue bins.  Here's what to put and NOT put in them:

How to Recycle Using Your New Blue Curbside Recycling Cart

The following are tips to help explain this program to you, so that you can use your new City-issued 96 Gallon Blue Recycling Cart correctly.

Proper Placement

  • Do Not place plastic bags in your blue cart.
  • All approved items can be placed in the blue cart, including cardboard.
  • Place your cart out at the curb no later than 7 a.m. on your regular pi...

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University Heights Association The University Heights Association (UHA) is the volunteer organization of people living, owning property, and working in the area bounded by Central on the north, Yale on the west, Garfield on the south, and Girard on the east.

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