Please attend the Annual General Meeting for the University Heights neighborhood Association on Sunday January 31, 2010.

January 20, 2010
It's that time of year again, when we elect a new board of directors for the University Heights Association (UHA), and hold our annual general meeting.

We are asking all association members, neighborhood residents, and other members of the UHA community to attend this meeting and take an active role in the decisions being made around you.  Only an informed neighborhood association can help solve problems and come up with ways to make life better in the University Heights, so we want your input and your help. You do not have to be a property owner to belong to UHA. Anyone who resides in or has an interest in the University Heights neighborhood is welcome.

When: Sunday January 31, 2010. 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Where: Outpost Performance Space, 210 Yale Blvd SE
             For a Google map to the location of the Outpost, click here.

City Councilor Isaac Benton has  confirmed that he will be present, and we are also expecting a representative from newly elected  Mayor Richard J. Berry's office is expected. 

If you have never attended a neighborhood association meeting, that's ok. You are welcome to just come, watch, ask questions and learn. Find out what the University Height Association is all about. You can also explore the information on the rest of our website.

Also remember, you can contact the UHA board any time by email or via the form at the bottom of our Contact Us page. If you want us to contact you in response, please be sure and give us an email or phone number to do so.

Again, we hope you will take a little time to attend our annual general meeting. For reference, here is a link to the flyer about the meeting that we have been hand distributing throughout the neighborhood. See you at the meeting!

Take the MRCOG Transportation Survey now, and help shape transportation policy in Albuquerque

January 19, 2010
The Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) is beginning work on the 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and is seeking public input via a survey.  This plan will provide a vision for future transportation in the central New Mexico metropolitan area.

Feedback regarding experiences traveling by car, train, bus, bicycle and walking are needed. Also, comments are sought related to what would benefit transportation in the region over the next 20 years.

The survey will only be available online a...
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Albuquerque Police Department targeting home break-ins in University Heights and Surrounding Neighborhoods

January 11, 2010
The Albuquerque Police Department contacted the UHA board recently to let us know that in response to reports of home burglaries and break-ins in Southeast Albuquerque, they will be conducting operations in the University Heights and other nearby neighborhoods to specifically target these crimes.

But in order for APD to be effective, they need your help. These burglaries have been occurring within a very short time frame - generally within 30 minutes to one hour of the homeowner leaving their...
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NM Attorney General Notice on 2010 Census and Environmental Crimes Unit

January 9, 2010
The Office of New Mexico Attorney General Gary King would like us to help them spread the word about two important publications they have recently released. The NMAG is hoping to provide the public with important information about participating in the 2010 Census. To see this document click link The second brochure was compiled to help you recognize and report environmental crimes. You can view the Environmental Crimes brochure at h...

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Albuquerque Police Department uses Twitter to share real-time information

December 21, 2009
The Albuquerque Police Department recently started using the popular social media site to share information with the public. Now if you use Twitter you can follow abqpolice and get live updates from APD.

Below is an example of some of the information recently posted to APD's Twitter account. APD posts about current police activity, accidents, traffic situations and other useful information for citizens.

Even if you are not a Twitter user you can go view posts from APD on Twitter ...
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Silver Avenue Closed temporarily December 9th for "Breaking Bad" filming.

December 8, 2009
Occasionally film crews working in the neighborhood may mean intermittent traffic control (film staff directing or temporarily halting traffic) temporary street closures or detours. We hope you will bear with us and support the film industry which serves both as a source of income for New Mexico and our neighborhood, and as a showcase for Albuquerque.

One production that films in the UHA fairly regularly is the emmy award-winning AMC television drama Breaking Bad. If you watch the show regula...
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Wintertime Water Watch: Shut Down Sprinklers, Prepare Pipes

December 2, 2009
The following information is provided by the City of Albuquerque and the Bernalillo County Water Authority:

,  Dec. 2 – With the National Weather Service predicting low temperatures in the teens in Albuquerque this week, the Water Authority reminds its customers that it’s time to shut down sprinkler systems for the winter and to prepare household water pipes for cold weather. During severe cold snaps, Water Authority operators take as many as 200 calls per day from people ...
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About Me

University Heights Association The University Heights Association (UHA) is the volunteer organization of people living, owning property, and working in the area bounded by Central on the north, Yale on the west, Garfield on the south, and Girard on the east.

University Heights Association



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