Get Involved
Please use the Contact Us page if you would like to volunteer or if you have questions about anything in the neighborhood.
Join the University Heights Association
Yearly voluntary membership contributions:
- Neighborhood Resident - $5/yr
- Household - $10/yr
- Business - $25/yr
- Sponsor - $25/yr (This sponsorship is for those who want to make a special contribution)
Contribute more or less depending upon your ability to pay.
All meetings and events are open to everyone, regardless of ability to pay.
You do not have to be a property owner to belong to UHA. Anyone who resides in or has an interest in the University Heights neighborhood is welcome.
Join the UHA Board of Directors
Every year the UHA holds elections for board members at our annual general meeting. This meeting usually takes place in January. Board members should attend monthly meetings and larger annual events that are organized by the UHA.
Help distribute newsletters
A couple of times a year the UHA keeps neighbors informed of the happenings of the neighborhood in a hard copy newsletter. We rely on our volunteers to help us reach out to as many residents as possible. Help us reach your block by signing up to distribute newsletters.
Help with neighborhood clean-ups, annual meetings and other events
Throughout the year the UHA will organize events that our volunteers help make a success. Neighborhood clean-ups usually take place twice a year. For this event we are always in need of volunteers who own pick up trucks to help us gather waste found in the neighborhood alleys and streets. Neighborhood clean-ups are coordinated with the City of Albuquerque, and are a great opportunity to meet your neighbors as well as brighten up the neighborhood.
Attend UHA Board Meetings and other neighborhood related meetings
To be best informed about the neighborhood we hold monthly board meetings that are open to the public. Please refer to the Meetings and Events page to confirm dates and times for meetings.
University Heights Association